Saturday 26 March 2016

CT SCAN : Advantages and Disadvantages

Advantages of CT Scan
  • Rapid acquisition of images.
  • A wealth of of clear and specific information.
  • A view of a large portion of the body. 
  • Better detail compared with ultrasonography.
  • Relatively compared with MRI scanning.
  • Most system can be scanned. (eg : Brain to Leg) 
Disadvantages of CT Scan
  •  Required breath holding where patient cannot manage.
  • Artefact is common. (Eg : metal clips)
  • CT Scan of the brain can be affected by bone nearby.
  • High doses of radiation are involved in CT Scanning - chest CT scan is equivalent to 350 chest x-rays ; CT abdomen to 400 chest x-rays and CT pulmonary angiography 750 chest x-rays.
  • There is also a risk of childhood cancer and leukemia in mothers who have imaging during pregnancy. However, some of the studies are small and difficult to interpret due to confounding factors. Imaging to aid potentially fatal conditions during pregnancy should not be withheld.

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